10 Day Sacred Buddha Retreat
Sep 26 - Oct 5, 2024
in Tibet
with Shaman, TedX Speaker Johnson Chong
& ex- monk PhD Buddhist scholar Dr. Karma

What's Included

- 50 Hour Buddhism & Meditation Online Course Preparation
-- Pre-Travel Zoom Group Meeting
- 10 x 75 min Daily Yoga & Meditation Classes
- 5 x Shamanic Breathwork Journey Workshops
- 5 x Ajna Light Therapy Meditations
- Cultural Programs & Activities (hikes, temple visits, etc)
- All Meals (Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner)
- Evening Tea
- 5 Star, 4 Star and 3 Star Accommodations
- All local Transport by coach within Tibet
- 1 Group Transport to and from the Airport
- Services of English speaking expert guides through Tibet
- Special Entry Fees
- Group Permit for entry to Tibet.

Walk the Sacred Path of the Buddhas

The Pilgrimage

This unique experience is a blend of personal development and spiritual adventure. When you land, you will engage with all the healing processes, meditations, yoga practices, breathwork healing journeys with full concentration and participation. When you engage with prayer, offer and meditations in the temples, you will do so with your whole being regardless of whether you are an admirer or devout practitioner of Buddhism. As a pilgrim, you will lean fully into your soul’s purpose, and earnestly command the sky and the earth to pave a path of love, joy, abundance and grace to form for not only you, but for all of humanity.

Daily Yoga

Every morning you will free your body through an invigorating yoga practice that is grounded in the principles of hatha, vinyasa and Himalayan kundalini. As the focus of the retreat is on developing your spiritual practice, the yoga will be there to create space in the body for more energy to flow within.

Shamanic Breathwork Journeys

Breathwork helps to prime the mind, body and energy systems to tap into your ability to entrain peace through meditation. You will also connect with your Spirit guides by invoking the sacred energies of the Andean medicine wheel. Drop into your inner guidance in expanded states of consciousness like you’ve never before.

Buddhist Chanting & Meditation

In the land of the Buddhas, chanting is one of the main practices in the monasteries. The simple practice of using sound to tame the monkey mind creates a profound sense of peace in the nervous system.  

Psychedelic Light Therapy

The Ajna light is a meditation device that uses LED lights to stimulate a psychedelic DMT state of consciousness without ingesting hallucinogens. Oftentimes, students report seeing a kaleidoscope of visions similar to when on a psychedelic trip, except without the physical side effects of nausea.

Your Guides on this Journey

Dr. Karma Wangchuk

As a practitioner of the Nyingmapa and Kagyupa traditions of Mahayana & Vajrayana Buddhism for many years, Dr. Karma has been established with the aim to serve and guide especially spiritual and Dharma seekers through theoretical and practical experiences while in the Kingdom of Bhutan, Nepal & Tibet.

For eight years between 1986 – 1994, he lived as a Buddhist monk under Kalu Rinpoche and Drupchen Rinpoche. During his monk-hood, he acquired a Gold Medal in his M.A Buddhist Studies Program, and proceeded to earn a PhD from the University of Delhi in Buddhist Studies.

He is a sought after lecturer in Tibetan Buddhism and Spirituality, and has held various positions in the government and privately. Currently, Dr. Karma is the lead trainer in the Tourism Council of Bhutan teaching other guides how to present Buddhism.

With Dr. Karma as our guide, we will surely experience an extraordinary layer of cultural immersion unlike any other average ‘tour’. We traverse the land of the Buddhas not only with a cultural guide, but a spirit guide. 

Dr. Karma speaks English, Bhutanese & Tibetan.

Johnson Chong

Johnson Chong is the best-selling and award-winning author of Sage Sapien: From Karma to Dharma. He is also a TedX Speaker, shaman and the founder of Sage Shamanic Yoga where he trains aspiring meditation and breathwork teachers. Through the synthesis of the most applicable teachings of yoga, meditation, breathwork, coaching and shamanic healing, his trainings are designed to help people quiet the mind, awaken the heart and free themselves of the roadblocks that keep them from living more authentically and joyfully. He has spoken and led workshops at companies like Unilever, Facebook, Nike, Macquarie, Insight Timer, UBS, UOB and more.

Johnson is a native New Yorker, and has lived on 3 continents, currently based in Sydney, Australia.

His passion is creating a bridge between ancient wisdom, energy medicine and direct modern application. Clients say that his unique experiences of er a profoundly healing self-discovery experience, followed with very practical and actionable steps to create lasting change. As a paqo shaman of the Q’ero lineage, a Four Winds Energy Medicine Health Coach, and
Reiki Master, in conjunction with his background as a teacher who trains yoga teachers and pilates teachers, he has an expansive knowledge of the physical body and how the psyche can create stagnation on all dimensions of being: physically, mentally, emotionally and on the level of the energetic.

Local Cuisine

Tibet’s cuisine reflects its wintery landscape. Staples include flour made of roasted barley, dairy (butter, milk & cheese) and meat (mutton, pork & yak). People who live in higher elevations typically consume more meat where as the lower regions have more access to a variety of vegetables. Rice is typically eaten by families of a higher economic background, southern border farmers and monks. You’ll also notice tea and barley beer (chhaang) commonly served.


During this pilgrimage, you will stay at the 5 star Shangrila in Lhasa, followed by 4 and 3 star accommodations as we move further out from the capital toward the remote regions due to what is available

The Itinerary

*This retreat schedule, program and itinerary is subject to minor changes depending on weather and unforeseen circumstances

Walk the Sacred Path of the Buddhas

More than a retreat, this is a spiritual pilgrimage across the sacred sites of the Himalayas. We will visit the holy temples and places that Guru Rinpoche (Padmasambhava) the 2nd incarnation of the Buddha. He is an integral part of the Himalayan culture as he was responsible for bringing Buddhism to Nepal, Bhutan & Tibet. As you walk the path of the Lotus born, you will connect with the core of the Buddhist teachings not just from the mind, but from the whole of you. 

This is not a call for you to become a blind follower. It is a call for you to re-awaken your inner Buddha nature, and to walk the path alongside the ancient ones.

Walk the Sacred Land of the Buddhas on the Tibetan plateau



• International Travel Insurance (mandatory).

•  Gratuities for guide and driver
(Average of $10-15 USD per day)
•  Shopping & personal expenses

Note: No political issues against the Chinese government can be discussed while in Tibet. Meetings with local relatives/friends are only allowed place in public hotels and not their private residence. If found in violation of Chinese rules and regulations, you will be held liable and penalized under the full jurisdiction of Chinese law. 
Physical Fitness: Due to the nature of this retreat being at such high altitudes, if you have physical injuries or have difficulty breathing or existing cardiovascular issues, you should consult with a medical professional before deciding to join this trip.

Room Options:

Rooms are priced in USD per person below and on first come first serve basis.

Limited to 12 participants.

• Twin Share $3800
• Private Room $4400

A $500 USD non-refundable deposit is required to hold your spot.

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