Exploring Every Step: The Day-by-Day Guide to Our 10-Day Sacred Buddha Retreat in Tibet

Embark on a transformative journey with our 10-Day Sacred Buddha Retreat in Tibet. This guide details each day's spiritual adventure, from exploring the majestic Potala Palace and meditating at sacred lakes to participating in yoga sessions and shamanic breathwork. Discover the profound serenity of ancient monasteries, connect with Tibetan culture, and awaken your inner Buddha nature. Led by esteemed guides, this retreat offers a unique blend of personal growth and spiritual awakening amidst the breathtaking landscapes of the Himalayas. Join us and embrace the path of love, joy, and enlightenment.

Welcome to the 10-Day Sacred Buddha Retreat in Tibet. This is not just a retreat; it is a journey into the heart of spiritual awakening. Here, in the sacred land of Tibet, you will walk the path of the ancient Buddhas. Each step is designed to open your heart, clear your mind, and elevate your spirit. This guide will take you through each day’s activities, preparing you for the transformative experience that awaits.

Day 1: Arrival in Lhasa

Your journey begins with your arrival in Lhasa, the city of sunlight. At 3,658 meters above sea level, this sacred city is a haven for Tibetan Buddhism. After landing, you will be greeted by Dr. Karma’s team and transported to the Shangrila Hotel, your home for the next few days.

Once settled, you will participate in a yoga, breathwork, and meditation workshop. This session will help you unwind from your travels and prepare your mind and body for the spiritual journey ahead. In the evening, you will enjoy a welcome dinner, where you can meet your fellow pilgrims and share your intentions for the retreat.

Day 2: Potala Palace, Jokhang & Barkhor Bazaar

Begin your day with an invigorating yoga session. Feel the energy flow through your body, grounding you and preparing you for the day’s spiritual adventures. After breakfast, we will visit the magnificent Potala Palace. This ancient palace, once the winter residence of the Dalai Lama, stands majestically on Red Mountain. As you walk through its sacred halls, feel the presence of centuries of devotion and wisdom.

Next, we will visit the Jokhang Temple, a UNESCO World Heritage site. This temple, founded in 647 AD, houses the revered golden Jowo Sakyamuni statue. Allow yourself to be immersed in the sacred energy of this holy place. Meditate, pray, or simply be present in the moment.

After lunch, we will stroll through the vibrant Barkhor Bazaar. This circular street, which surrounds the Jokhang Temple, is filled with merchants selling their wares and pilgrims making their way around the temple. As you walk the path, feel the energy of the thousands who have walked it before you, releasing negative karma and embracing positive energy.

In the evening, you will have the option to join a Tibetan Family Cooking Class. Learn to prepare traditional Tibetan dishes and enjoy a dinner dressed in traditional Tibetan attire.

Overnight at the Shangrila, Lhasa.

Day 3: Drepung, Norbulingka, Drak Yerpa

Our day begins with morning yoga, setting a serene and focused tone for the day’s explorations. After breakfast, we will travel to the Drepung Monastery, nestled at the foot of Mount Gephel. Once the largest monastery in Tibet, housing up to 10,000 monks, Drepung is a place of deep spiritual resonance. Here, we will witness the lively monastic debates, a practice that sharpens the mind and deepens understanding of Buddhist philosophy.

Next, we visit Norbulingka, the Jewel Park. This UNESCO heritage site was the summer residence of the Dalai Lamas. Stroll through its beautiful gardens and ornate buildings, absorbing the peace and tranquility that permeates the area.

After lunch, we journey to Drak Yerpa, a monastery renowned for its meditation caves. Surrounded by pine and cypress trees, this sacred site offers an ideal environment for reflection and meditation. We will pause in the dharma cave and moon cave, allowing the ancient energies to guide our practice.

In the evening, you have the option to attend a live opera about Princess Wencheng, a beloved figure in Tibetan history. This performance brings to life the rich cultural heritage of Tibet and provides a deeper understanding of its spiritual traditions.

Overnight at the Shangrila, Lhasa.

Day 4: Yamdrok Tso Lake

We begin the day with our morning yoga practice, grounding ourselves in the present moment. After breakfast, we embark on a journey to Yamdrok Tso Lake, one of Tibet’s most sacred lakes. The drive takes us 2.5 hours south, through breathtaking landscapes and serene mountain passes.

Yamdrok Tso Lake, at an elevation of 4,440 meters, is a sight to behold. Its turquoise waters are surrounded by snow-capped mountains, creating a scene of unparalleled beauty. Tibetans believe that the lake has the power to help locate the reincarnated soul of the Dalai Lama. Here, we will spend time in meditation and reflection, allowing the tranquility of the lake to wash over us.

In the evening, back at our hotel, we will engage in a psychedelic ajna light therapy meditation. This unique practice uses light to stimulate the pineal gland, fostering deep relaxation and enhanced spiritual awareness.

Overnight at the Shangrila, Lhasa.

Day 5: Gangri Thökar, Dorji Drak

Our day begins with an invigorating yoga session, followed by a nourishing breakfast. Today, we head southeast to the Chimpu Valley, a journey that takes us through stunning landscapes and sacred sites.

Our first stop is Gangri Thökar, also known as the White Skull Snow Mountain. This area is home to the hermitage of Orgyen Dzong, an important Buddhist teacher. Here, we will pause to meditate and connect with the powerful spiritual energies of the mountain.

Next, we visit the Dorji Drak Monastery, the seat of the Nyingma tradition’s throne-holder. This monastery is renowned for the auspicious footprint of Padmasambhava, embedded in the rock mountain behind it. As we explore, we will feel the deep spiritual presence that pervades this sacred place.

In the late afternoon, we return to our accommodations for a Shamanic Breathwork Healing Journey Workshop. This transformative practice will help us tap into deeper levels of consciousness and healing, guided by the sacred energies we have encountered throughout the day.

Overnight at the Samye Monastery Hotel.

Day 6: Chimpu, Yemalung

The day begins with our morning yoga practice, setting a tranquil and focused tone. After breakfast, we journey 16 kilometers northeast to Chimpu Hermitage. This sacred site, known for its 108 meditation cells and caves, has been a place of deep meditation for centuries. Here, Padmasambhava himself meditated and taught his disciples. We will spend time in meditation, absorbing the profound energies of this ancient place.

After lunch, we will hike to the Yemalung Nunnery, perched high on a mountain at 4,200 meters. Along the way, we will encounter Guru Rinpoche’s Long Life Water spring, a site believed to offer blessings and longevity. The hike to Yemalung is not only a physical journey but also a spiritual ascent, offering opportunities for reflection and connection with the divine.

In the evening, we return to our accommodations for a psychedelic ajna light meditation. This practice, using light to stimulate the pineal gland, will help us integrate the day’s experiences and deepen our spiritual insights.

Overnight at the Samye Monastery Hotel.

Day 7: Drak Yangdzong, Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal Lhatso

We begin our day with morning yoga, grounding ourselves in the present and preparing for the spiritual exploration ahead. After breakfast, we visit the Drak Yangdzong caves, one of the sacred sites of the Nyingma tradition. These caves, located at 4,885 meters, are associated with the Herukas, enlightened deities who manifest in wrathful forms to dispel ignorance and obstacles. Here, we will meditate and receive the blessings of Padmasambhava.

Our journey then takes us to Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal Lhatso, a sacred lake revered in the Nyingma tradition. Yeshe Tsogyal, a female Buddha born in the 8th century, is believed to have a spiritual connection to this lake. According to legend, the lake overflowed and turned to milk at the time of her birth. The small pond, surrounded by retreat huts, is said to reveal secrets of the past and future in its waters. We will pause here for meditation and reflection, connecting with the divine feminine energy that permeates this sacred site.

In the evening, we return to our accommodations for another profound psychedelic ajna light meditation, allowing the day’s spiritual experiences to integrate deeply within us.

Overnight at the Samye Monastery Hotel.

Day 8: Samye Monastery, Yumbu Lhakang & Tsheringjong

The day begins with our usual morning yoga session, harmonizing our body and mind. After breakfast, we visit the Samye Monastery, the first Buddhist monastery built in Tibet around 763. This sacred site is constructed like a mandala, representing the universe in Buddhist Tantra. As we explore the Utse Hall and the surrounding temples, we feel the deep spiritual significance of this holy place.

Next, we travel to Yumbu Lhakang, Tibet’s oldest building and the palace of its first king. Standing tall on the eastern bank of the Yarlung River, Yumbu Lhakang offers breathtaking views and a rich history. Here, we connect with the ancient roots of Tibetan civilization.

Our journey continues to Tsheringjong, a Nyingma monastery founded as a hermitage by Jigme Lingpa in 1762. This site has served as an active nunnery since the nineteenth century. As we explore, we immerse ourselves in the serene and sacred atmosphere, absorbing the wisdom and peace of this spiritual refuge.

In the evening, we return to our accommodations for another session of psychedelic ajna light meditation. This practice will help us integrate the spiritual experiences of the day, preparing us for the journey’s final days.

Overnight at the Yarlung River Grand Hotel.

Day 9: Yarlung Sheldrak

Our day begins with a morning yoga session, grounding us and aligning our energies. After breakfast, we head towards Yarlung Sheldrak, a crystal cave revered as Tibet’s first temple. This sacred site is a monastic community that developed around a meditation cave used by Padmasambhava in the eighth century.

The journey starts in Kato village on the outskirts of Tsedang, home to the Tsechu Bumpa stupa. This stupa is said to house either the armor of Songsten Gampo or a crystal Buddha statue offered to King Trisong Detsen. It also exudes tsechu (water of life) during each full moon, symbolizing purification and renewal.

A bumpy dirt road will lead us to the temple and nunnery below Yarlung Sheldrak. From there, a short, steep ascent takes us to the upper temple and the Crystal Cave, offering breathtaking views and a serene environment. The Yarlung Valley, considered the cradle of Tibetan civilization, is steeped in legend. It is said to be where a monkey and a rock ogre begot the Tibetan people, and where the first kings descended from heaven on a sky cord.

We will spend time meditating in the Crystal Cave, absorbing its profound energy and connecting with the ancient spirits that dwell there. This experience will deepen our spiritual journey and enhance our connection to the divine.

In the evening, we return to our accommodations, reflecting on the day’s experiences and preparing for the journey’s conclusion.

Overnight at the Yarlung River Grand Hotel.

Day 10: Farewell & Departure

Our final day begins with an early morning yoga practice. This last session is a time to reflect on the journey we have undertaken, to integrate the insights and experiences we have gained. After breakfast, we gather for a farewell ceremony. This is a time to express gratitude for the journey, for the sacred sites we have visited, and for the bonds we have formed with fellow pilgrims.

As we prepare to depart from Lhasa, we take with us not just memories, but a renewed sense of purpose and a deeper connection to our inner Buddha nature. The spiritual practices, the sacred sites, and the shared experiences have transformed us, leaving an indelible mark on our souls.

We drive 1.5 hours from Tsedang to Lhasa for our international departures. As we leave Tibet, we carry the teachings and blessings of this sacred land in our hearts. We are not just returning to our daily lives; we are returning as transformed beings, ready to walk the path of love, joy, abundance, and grace.


The 10-Day Sacred Buddha Retreat in Tibet is more than a journey through a beautiful landscape. It is a pilgrimage into the depths of your soul, a path that leads to profound transformation and spiritual awakening. Each day, each step, each breath is a sacred act, bringing you closer to the essence of the Buddha within.

As you leave this sacred land, remember the teachings you have received. Let the wisdom of the ancient ones guide you, and let the love and compassion you have cultivated flow into every aspect of your life. Embrace the changes within, and walk the path of the Buddha with an open heart and a peaceful mind.

May your journey continue, and may you find peace, joy, and enlightenment in every step you take.

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