Walk the Sacred Path of the Buddhas in Tibet

From September 26 to October 5, 2024, join us on a spiritual pilgrimage across the sacred sites of the Himalayas in Tibet. This 10-day retreat is more than just a tour, it’s a chance to connect deeply with the core of Buddhist teachings by walking in the footsteps of the enlightened beings.

Led by Dr. Karma Wangchuk, a practitioner of the Nyingmapa and Kagyupa traditions of Mahayana & Vajrayana Buddhism, and Johnson Chong, shaman and founder of Sage Shamanic Yoga, this journey blends personal development, spiritual adventure, and cultural immersion. You’ll visit holy temples in the steps of Guru Rinpoche, engage in healing meditations and practices, and open your mind and heart to awakening your Buddha nature.

The Pilgrimage Each day of the retreat includes yoga, meditation, visits to sacred sites, cultural activities, and time for inner reflection. Our pilgrimage will take us to holy places including:

  • Potala Palace, the Dalai Lama’s winter residence since the 7th century
  • Jokhang Temple, founded in 647 AD, which houses the sacred Jowo Sakyamuni statue
  • Drak Yerpa monastery, where Guru Rinpoche meditated in pine-filled caves
  • Yamdrok Tso Lake, the largest sacred lake in Tibet
  • Chimpu Hermitage, with its 108 meditation caves used by yogis for centuries
  • Samye Monastery, the first Tibetan Buddhist monastery built in 763 AD
  • Yumbu Lhkang, palace of Tibet’s first king in the Yarlung Valley

Daily Practices

We’ll start each morning with yoga to free the body and create space for energy to flow. Asana practices will draw from hatha, vinyasa, and Himalayan kundalini traditions.

Shamanic breathwork journeys will prime the mind, body and energy systems to go deeper in meditation by awakening intuition and inner guidance.

Chanting and meditation in Tibet’s most sacred sites will tame the monkey mind and cultivate profound peace. We’ll use Buddhist symbols and imagery to enhance our connection to the natural world.

Psychedelic light therapy with an Ajna device will stimulate a meditative DMT state, allowing visions to arise similar to a psychedelic trip without hallucinogens.

Accommodations and Cuisine

Accommodations during the retreat include 5-star hotels in Lhasa, 4-star hotels in the countryside, and a 3-star Tibetan meditation retreat. You’ll experience authentic Tibetan cuisine, with staples like tsampa (roasted barley flour), butter tea, yak meat, and local vegetables. At high altitudes, meat is more common while rice is considered a delicacy.

Preparing for the Pilgrimage

This retreat is moderately challenging due to high elevations. We recommend coming a few days early to rest and acclimate in cities like Lhasa before the retreat starts. Take care with alcohol intake, stay hydrated, and consult a doctor if you have health conditions affected by altitude or exertion. A basic level of fitness is recommended to get the most from the experience.

An open mind and heart is the best preparation. Walking the sacred path of the Buddhas is a chance to awaken your true nature beyond rigid dogma. Release attachments and expectations to embrace the extraordinary grace of these ancient sites. Lean fully into your soul’s purpose to pave a path of love and abundance for yourself and humanity.

The Itinerary Here is an overview of our 10-day itinerary through the sacred sites of Tibet:

Day 1: Arrival in Lhasa and welcome dinner

Day 2: Potala Palace, Jokhang Temple, Barkhor Bazaar

Day 3: Drepung Monastery, Norbulingka, Drak Yerpa

Day 4: Yamdrok Tso Lake and psychedelic light meditation

Day 5: Gangri Thökar, Dorji Drak Monastery, Shamanic Breathwork

Day 6: Chimpu Hermitage, Yemalung Nunnery, psychedelic light meditation

Day 7: Drak Yangdzong cave, Khandro Yeshe Tsogyal Lhatso

Day 8: Samye Monastery, Yumbu Lhakang, Tseringjong

Day 9: Crystal cave of Yarlung Sheldrak

Day 10: Departure from Lhasa

Join Us on the Journey

Walk the sacred path of Tibet with us from September 26 to October 5, 2024. Space is limited to 12 participants, with prices starting at $3800 per person for a shared room. A $500 non-refundable deposit is required to hold your spot. Click here to view the full itinerary and to reserve your spot.

This once-in-a-lifetime spiritual pilgrimage will change your perspective and awaken your highest potential. Reserve your place today to experience the magic of Tibet under the guidance of expert leaders. Let the ancient temples and wild mountain landscapes cleanse your spirit and reveal your inner Buddha nature.

The time is now to register for the most transformative adventure of your life!

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